
Sunday 17 July 2016

As a matter of first importance, here is the thing that you have to know when you listen to any individual from our administration express that the recently discharged 29 pages are no smoking firearm — THEY ARE LYING.

Our administration's relationship to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the same than a fanatic's relationship to heroin. Much like a heroin someone who is addicted who will lie, cheat, and take to bolster their bad habit, certain individuals from our legislature will lie, cheat, and take to proceed with their broken and lethal association with the KSA — a relationship that is decaying this country and its pioneers from the back to front.

At the point when CIA Director John Brennan states that he trusts the 29 pages demonstrate that the legislature of Saudi Arabia had no association in the 9/11 assaults, perceive that John Brennan is not a man living in all actuality — he is preposterous by configuration, sustaining and securing his Saudi bad habit.

At the point when Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Anne W. Patterson, affirms — under promise — that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a partner that does all that they can to help us battle against Islamic terrorism, perceive that her profound, steep Saudi pandering serves and ensures just her Saudi bad habit.

Perused the 29 pages and know the certainties.

Try not to give any individual access our administration preclude the cursing reality from claiming the 29 pages.

Also, as you read the 29 pages recall that they were composed amid 2002 and 2003.

President Bush did not need the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia examined. President Bush has profound binds to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its imperial family and just needed to secure the Kingdom. President Bush needed to go to war in Iraq — not Saudi Arabia. Along these lines, 29 full pages that said "Saudi" and "Bandar" rather than "Hussein" and "Iraq" was a colossal issue for President Bush.

It is very much archived that the Joint Inquiry got colossal push-back against its examination concerning the Saudis. Truth be told, previous FBI Director Mueller recognizes that a great part of the data ensnaring the Saudis that the Inquiry examiners at last revealed was obscure to him. Why does Mueller say this? Generally in light of the fact that Mueller and other FBI authorities had intentionally attempted to keep any implicating data particularly encompassing the Saudis out of the Inquiry's investigative hands. To rehash, there was a coordinated exertion by the FBI and the Bush Administration to continue implicating Saudi proof out of the Inquiry's examination. Also, for the exemption of the 29 full pages, they succeeded in their exertion.

Despite the trouble from the FBI and the weight from the Bush Administration to upset any examination of the Saudis, the Joint Inquiry was still ready to compose 29 full pages with respect to Saudi complicity in the 9/11 assaults. No other country is given such particular unmistakable quality in the Joint Inquiry's Final Report. Not Iraq. Not Iran. Not Syria. Not Sudan. Not in any case Afghanistan or Pakistan.

The 29 pages have been kept mystery and stifled from the American open for a long time — not for matters of honest to goodness national security — but rather for matters of comfort, shame, and conceal. Official Order 13526 makes that a wrongdoing. Neither James Clapper nor Barack Obama need to discharge an announcement about that.

The main thing James Clapper and Barack Obama will say in regards to the postponed arrival of the 29 pages is that they remain by the examination of the 9/11 Commission. This punt by President Barack Obama is loathsome. President Obama's regard to the 9/11 Commission — who themselves concede that they were not able completely research the Saudi part in the 9/11 assaults — delineates Obama's absolute absence of interest, engagement, or backing of the 9/11 families. To be honest, it re-exploits the 9/11 families by not recognizing reality, obstructing our way to equity, and the exceptionally key task of responsibility to the individuals who ought to be considered mindful. Most alarmingly, Obama's hush keeps us risky on the grounds that as opposed to requiring a crisis session of Congress to instantly name the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, President Obama keeps on making light of, disparage, and disregard reality abandoning us helpless against terrorist assaults that are still right up 'til today being financed by our "associate" the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

To be clear, the 9/11 Commission did NOT completely explore the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Staff Director Philip Zelikow obstructed any examination concerning the Saudis. Zelikow even went so far as to flame an agent who had been brought over from the Joint Inquiry to explicitly catch up on the Saudi leads and data revealed in the Joint Inquiry. I will rehash — the specialist was terminated. Also, Zelikow re-composed the 9/11 Commission's whole segment with respect to the Saudi's and their association with the 9/11 assaults. Previous 9/11 Commissioners John Lehman, Bob Kerrey, and Tim Roemer have all recognized that the Saudis were not satisfactorily examined by the 9/11 Commission. In this way, for any administration authority to hang their cap on the 9/11 Commission's Final Report — when Commissioners, themselves, have conceded that the Saudis were not completely explored, is ridiculous and dishonorable.

For instance, one glaring bit of data was not specified in either the 9/11 Commission or the Joint Inquiry's 29 pages — the data with respect to Fahad Thumairy and Khallad container Attash found in both a FBI report and a CIA report — that are presently declassified. Both reports show that Fahad Thumairy — a Saudi Consulate official—brought Khallad canister Attash into the United States in June of 2000 so he could meet with two of the 9/11 criminals, Khalid al Mihdhar and Nawaf al Hazmi. Thumairy escorted container Attash — a known al Qaeda agent — through INS and Customs at LAX dodging security and any conceivable alerts. Once more, this data is found in both a CIA and FBI report.

Four months after Khallad canister Attash met with the two 9/11 thieves in Los Angeles, the USS Cole was besieged and seventeen U.S. mariners were murdered. Khallad canister Attash, Khalid al Mihdhar and Nawaf al Hazmi were all named as co-schemers in the shelling of the USS Cole.

Where is the data with respect to canister Attash and Thumairy? Has it ever been researched? Had our knowledge offices exploited the known association amongst Thumairy and canister Attash, they would have possessed the capacity to upset the bombarding of the USS Cole. What's more, they would have had entry and the capacity to weave together almost every one of the bits of the 9/11 assaults — over nine months before the 9/11 assaults happened.

In any case, as history appears, Saudi Consulate official Fahad Thumairy was not researched and 17 mariners notwithstanding 3,000 others were executed.

I'm certain that Barack Obama, John Brennan, Anne Patterson, and Philip Zelikow would all consider Thumairy's operational and money related backing of Attash, Mihdhar, and Hazmi as inside the edge of being a "partner" of the United States. I, and whatever remains of America, would not.

I know summer is a bustling time. I realize that one week from now is the Republican Convention. I realize that Congress is out of session for two months. What's more, I realize that ISIS assaults proceed in Nice, Orlando, San Bernardino, Belgium, Paris, and that's just the beginning. Much the same as I realize that Donald Trump picked Mike Pence as his running mate and that there was an upset in Turkey. For an Administration hoping to dump some madly implicating proof and have no one pay heed — doing it yesterday when Congress was leaving for their two month summer break was most likely the greatest day anybody could have envisioned.

However, the world is a flimsy, insane spot. What's more, while I used to think I was protected in light of the fact that my legislature was paying special mind to me and settling on choices that were to my greatest advantage and that of different subjects, I now know not. For fifteen long years, I have battled to get data in regards to the slaughtering of my better half from the U.S. government. I have battled, argued, and asked for reality, straightforwardness, equity, and responsibility in light of the fact that my better half and 3,000 others were severely butchered visible to everyone. Furthermore, our legislature has done only piece, foil, hinder, and impede that way to truth, straightforwardness, responsibility, and equity. Notwithstanding going so far as to gaslight us right up 'til the present time by denying the plain truth composed on the plain paper of the 29 pages.

If it's not too much trouble read the 29 pages. Take a gander at the actualities and proof. And after that watch the corrupt way different individuals from our administration and media play turn expert on those actualities — instructing you to deny the extremely unforgiving, calming reality found inside those 29 pages. I trust their gaslighting sickens you as much as it disturbs me.

Note that these 29 pages simply detail the Saudi association with the 9/11 assaults in San Diego. They quickly touch on the Phoenix data, too. Despite the fact that all the more strikingly, the 29 pages do exclude data found in the more than 80,000 archives that are right now being looked into by a government judge in Florida — 80,000 records that neither the 9/11 Commission, the Joint Inquiry, the Clinton, Bush, or Obama White House, nor the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia needs us to think about.

More than anything, please know this: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gave operational and budgetary backing to the 9/11 ruffians. That is a certainty. What's more, the U.S. government has been concealing that actuality for a long time — even right up 'til today. What's more, that is a wrongdoing.

Debasement, insatiability, and bad habit, particularly as it relates to securing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is not a one-party issue. It traverses both fair and republican organizations. Reprimand President Clinton, President Bush, and President Obama — and in addition, the greater part of their authorities and deputies. They are ALL to fault for neglecting to keep the 9/11 assaults, encouraging the 9/11 assaults through their own particular miserable negligen

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